Soul Whispers

‘A collection of poems, writings, reflections and insights about life, nature, mind and the interconnectedness of all things’

  • "There is a voice that doesn't use words... listen."


  • "I am owner of the sphere, of the seven stars and the solar year, of Caesar's hand, and Plato's brain"

    —Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • "The only Zen you find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there."

    —Alan Watts

  • "The poet was no odd fellow who described strange and impossible situations, but that universal man wrote by his pen a confession true for one and true for all."

    —Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • "You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself."

    —Alan Watts

  • 'To the poet, to the philosopher, to the saint, all things are friendly and sacred, all events profitable, all days holy, all humans divine.

    —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Walid K Walid K

‘In your Eyes, the Light’

This is a poetic reflection on self-discovery and the connection between two individuals. The narrator looks within himself and sees infinite reflections in a mirror, representing different aspects shaped by the world. However, the other person's eyes hold something special. He realises that in those eyes, he sees light, love, and unity. Ultimately, he comes to realise that they are connected and defined by the same light. The phrase "In your eyes, the Light!" emphasizes the significance of this connection and its profound impact on the narrator.

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Walid K Walid K

‘Whirlpool in Continuum’

This piece reflects on how our experiences shape our perception of the world. Each experience is filtered through our previous experiences and beliefs, creating a continuous cycle that reinforces our beliefs and identities. The metaphor of a whirlpool emphasizes the looping and cyclical nature of this process.

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Walid K Walid K

‘Kaleidoscope of Self’

This prose is about how our unique life experiences shape who we are, but everyone perceives events and people through their own unique lens, meaning there are as many versions of ourselves as there are people who have interacted with us.

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Walid K Walid K

‘A Verse for a Seeker of Truth’

This poem describes a humble and kind person who serves humanity and brings peace and harmony to people and places far and wide. The first line could be a metaphorical reference to his positive impact on the world.

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Walid K Walid K

‘Mirror of Mind in the Night Sky’

This poem is about the interconnectedness of nature, the night sky, and the human mind. It describes the different perspectives of the night sky - from above, below, and within - and compares them to the neural networks in the human mind. The final line suggests that the night sky and the human mind are reflections of each other, and that both are vast and infinite in their complexity.

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Walid K Walid K

‘And It Manifested Once Again’

This poem describes the emergence of a collective consciousness and the expression of love. The author speaks of the power of friendship and fleeting time, and emphasises the importance of treasuring these moments as memories that last a lifetime.

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Walid K Walid K

‘The Infinite Connection, Eye of One’

This piece describes an experience where the gate-keeper, land-keeper, and soul-keeper work together to bring forth a dream of oneness. The experience is conveyed through poetic language, with themes of reflection, unity, and the interconnectedness of all things.

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Walid K Walid K

‘The River as Mind’

The author reflects on a moment of insight they had while observing a river in the mountains of Cyprus. They draw parallels between the flow of water over rocks and the patterns of the mind, and consider the role of beliefs and perceptions in shaping our experiences of the world. They reference the work of Gregory Bateson and the Santiago theory of cognition, which emphasize the inseparable connection between mind and life. They also mention the Ladder of Inference by Chris Argyris, which describes how beliefs can shape our perceptions and actions, and the power of reflective feedback loops. Finally, they quote C.G. Jung and a spiritual healer, who both suggest that the psyche and mind are integral parts of the natural world, subject to the same laws and processes as the universe itself.

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Walid K Walid K

‘And the invisible ‘Magic’ united them’

This is a poetic description of a group gathering where individuals share their experiences and thoughts. The themes of self-discovery, resilience, love, and connection are expressed throughout. The group inspire each other to find their inner voice and pursue their dreams. Overall, the passage conveys a message of positivity and gratitude, emphasizing the importance of finding meaning and purpose in life.

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Walid K Walid K

‘In 1921, a Butterfly’

This is a poem which tells a story of a butterfly from a ginkgo biloba tree that landed on a traffic-light post in 1921. As she flickered her wings, all the traffic-lights around the world flickered in perfect sync. The caterpillars saw this and were inspired to dream, believe, and become. The poem represents the power of inspiration and the possibility of transformation.

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Walid K Walid K

‘Nature’s Forever’

This is a poetic tribute to the cyclical nature of the ocean and its connection to the Earth. It reminds us of the beauty and interconnectedness of the natural world and encourages us to recognise our own connection to the universe.

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Walid K Walid K

‘Winter’s Wisdom’

A poem inspired by winter’s natural ether in the mountains of Troodos in Cyprus. It describes the fleeting nature of winter and the wisdom it brings.

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Walid K Walid K

‘The Perfect Pattern’

This poem encourages the reader to be gentle with themselves and their life experiences, which are represented as a glass tapestry with fractured patterns. It also urges the reader to embrace the patterns of wholeness that are also present in their life, which are perfect in their own way.

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Peter Dale Wimbrow Sr. Peter Dale Wimbrow Sr.

‘The Man in the Glass’

A deeply moving poem by Peter Dale Wimbrow Sr., 1934. It encourages self-reflection and emphasises the importance of being true to oneself.

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Walid K Walid K

‘One’, a piece I wrote for all of us

I wrote this piece for the wonderful study group I was part of during Fritjof Capra’s Course on the Systems View of Life. This prose describes a group of individuals who are deeply connected to nature and each other and have come together in a space of co-emergence and co-creation. It touches on themes of unity, mindfulness, conscious leadership, and the importance of connection. It is a poetic piece of writing that encourages the reader to reflect on their own purpose and connection to the world around them.

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